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The Best Counters for Xavier in Mobile Legends

Are you looking for the best Xavier counter hero in Mobile Legends? Read this article to the end to get the answer, yes.

Xavier is a new hero released by Moonton in March 2022. Positioned as a mage, Xavier is able to release a very large ulti (Dawning Light) with a long range.

Xavier's strength is considered troublesome for players who often encounter rank mode. Moreover, Xavier will be very bad when he enters the late game.

Xavier's ultimate skill is so hard to beat. Xavier's type of game play, which is very distant, is also a problem. However, there are several heroes that are used to counter Xavier.

1. Hero counter Xavier Mobile Legends – Fanny

With a barrage of wires, Fanny can target Xavier. Usually Xavier will pay close attention to his position so that it is difficult to eliminate the enemy team. Well, Fanny is really good at wiggling.

Fanny's sword can easily slash Xavier quickly. Moreover, Fanny's single target game type, Xavier is believed to be unable to withstand.

2. Hero Franco Mobile Legends

Franco is not always a META hero, but if his hook is right, he can target Xavier whose position cannot be reached by other heroes.

Thus, Xavier could not maximize the game. Fraco can also be built with thick items so that he can become the front line of protection for teammates.

His ultimate skill, Bloody Hunt, is feared by all Mobile Legends heroes. Automatically Xavier can be debugged without being able to go anywhere.

3. Hero counter Xavier Mobile Legends – Helcurt

Helcurt's silence ability can be launched to find Xavier's whereabouts. Moreover, Xavier hero mage, including a thin hero, was easily finished off by Helcurt.

Helcurt has a passive skill that can silence enemy heroes when attacking Helcurt. The opponent will be affected for 1.5 seconds.

Don't forget Helcurt's ultimate skill, Dark Night Falls, which can blind the map in the dark, really bothering Xavier.

4. Hero Mobile Legends Silvanna

Speaking of a one-on-one duel in the hero fighter sector, don't forget the name Silvanna. With his barrage of skills, Xavier certainly can't play freely.

First skill one, which can stun Xavier, allowing other heroes to finish him off. Silvanna's skill, Spiral Strangling, can pay off Xavier's HP.

The ultimate skill, Imperial Justince, can lock Xavier's body and will not go anywhere to become delicious food for Silvanna and the heroes of the team.

Those are some of the best Xavier counter heroes in Mobile Legends . Good luck in rank mode, good luck keeping Xavier from moving, okay?