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Win Rate Prediction Calculator, How to Increase Win Rate 100%

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JSMedia – For Survivors, Win Rate Becomes prestige alone, show player skills Mobile Legends. To know Win Ratepart Survivors can count on their own, while for those who can’t, can use calculator Win Rate.

With Win Rate high, account view Mobile Legendss Survivors will get better and cooler.

Get to know Win Rate Mobile Legends

Get to know Win Rate Mobile Legends

What’s that Win Rate? Win Rate is the percentage of a person’s win Survivors in game games Mobile Legends. Why Win Rate viral? It turns out, because now the Mobile Legend game has a well-known MLBB team, consisting of players Survivors with Win Rate at least 70%.

How to Calculate Win Rate in Mobile Legends

How to Calculate Win Rate in Mobile Legends

Therefore Survivors vying for a way to count Win Ratehis. Count Win Rate manually is actually very easy;

  • (Win: Games) x 100 = WR
  • Win = number of wins
  • Games = number of matches

The result is then multiplied by 100, and the final result is Win Rate Survivors.

If Survivors want to directly calculate it yourself, check the menu game history Mobile Legends Survivors. How many total matches and wins, then multiplied by 100. But if Survivors is a new player, no need to worry. Visit the site and use the features calculator Win Ratehis.

How to Use Win Rate Calculator

How to Use Win Rate Calculator

With this calculator, Survivors can see the percentage of game statistics. Besides that, you can also calculate how much games more to win to reach the target Win Rate. Here’s how to use the calculator on the site:

1. First of all, open browser Survivors

2. Type in the search field.

3. When the main web page appears

4. Enter the total amount games which is already Survivors play in the total column match.

5. Then contents Win Rate in the total column WR At the moment.

6. Then contents Win Rate what you want to achieve in the prediction column WR.

7. Then click the result buttonthen wait for the site to finish processing the data.

How to Increase Mobile Legends Win Rate, 100% Up

How to Increase Mobile Legends Win Rate, 100% Up

If it turns out Win Rate Survivors still not enough, Survivors You can try raising it in the following ways:

1. Mabar Other Teams

With Mabar – play with the team (squad) who are already pro, hopefully Survivors can get directions from seniors. Also learn new game techniques or tricks, and get a win at the end of the game.

This of course can increase the winning percentage. Also knowledge that can be used when playing solo, and ends in victory as well.

2. Use the Best Hero

Hero is a player character in games Mobile Legends. There are 6 role (character strength type) with more than 100 Mobile Legend characters to date. Then how Survivors knowing hero which one has the highest ability? From the main page games Mobile Legendssclick menu Leaderboard at the very bottom.

On the page it will be sorted hero based on several criteria. Match with hero survivors. Advantages of using hero with the highest ability is to increase Win Rate faster.

Also read: Mobile Legends System Dodge Features, Safe Push Rank Anti Trolling

3. Use Popular Hero

Seize the game meta with hero popular. Check hero popular in Mobile Legends coach which has been released by the Mobile Legend developers and can be accessed via Google Assistant. By voice command, Survivors can ask questions about hero Mobile Legendss.

Press the button Home few seconds to activate Google Assistant first. After that say ‘Talk to Mobile Legendss‘ to activate Mobile Legends Coach. Then Survivors can ask anything about games Mobile Legends, including para herohis, in this case, hero most popular.

The final word

Win Rate Calculator is a feature of a site to calculate the winning percentage Survivors – player games Mobile Legends. If the percentage meets the requirements, Survivors could be the MLBB team. If it’s still not enough, then follow the steps above to increase rate.